
CDI ELC Developmental Screening Sign Up
A Developmental Screening is a quick general measure of your child’s development. A screening helps to identify whether your child needs further evaluation to determine if your child has a developmental delay or disability.  Developmental screenings do not diagnose. Screenings provide an overview of your child’s strengths and needs. They can also help parents, caregivers, and teachers know how to best support your child’s school readiness.
We offer free screenings in-person and online.

Please fill out the information below and the CDI team will contact you to schedule your FREE Screening.

¿Tiene preguntas sobre si su hijo está alcanzando los hitos apropiados para su edad? Llame hoy y programe una cita para exámenes de desarrollo GRATUITOS!
Una evaluación del desarrollo es una medida general rápida del desarrollo de su hijo. Las evaluaciones brindan una descripción general de las fortalezas y necesidades de su hijo y ayudan a identificar 
si su hijo necesita una evaluación adicional.

Contact Information
Preferred contact method,
Was your child born prematurely? 
If born prematurely, how many weeks were they at birth?
Is your child receiving intervention services or have you applied for assessment?
If yes, please describe the services or assessments.
Do you have concerns about your child's development? Please describe briefly. 
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